Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Fizza Malik
4 min readAug 18, 2022

First of all, I want to elaborate the phrase “Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro”. Mark Twain once said “If you have to eat a live frog, do it first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.” The eat the frog strategy is a productivity method used to help people identify difficult tasks and then to complete that task effectively. The “eat the frog” technique is used to help you stop procrastinating and improve personal productivity.

Each working interval is called a pomodoro, the Italian word for tomato (plural: pomodori). The pomodoro technique essentially trains people to focus on tasks better by limiting the length of time they attempt to maintain that focus and ensuring restorative breaks from the effort.

Eat The Frog is perfect for anyone who:

  • Struggles with procrastination
  • Gets a lot done but isn’t making progress on the important stuff
  • Has a hard time sticking to a productivity system
  • Has trouble deciding what to work on at any given time
  • Feels overwhelmed by their to-do list

I came to know about Pomodoro technique in my last semester. This technique really helped me to complete my syllabus effectively. When I got to apply this technique in Amal project work, It excited me as I already liked this technique.

I planned to use this technique in order to complete my Amal online course work on time.

1- Decide on the task to be done:

I decided to do my Amal course work “Creating your super Resume” with the help of Pomodoro technique.

2- Set the alarm:

I set the alarm of 25 minutes in my mobile phone.

3- Work on the task until the alarm rings:

During that time, I tried to complete my online course work as much as I can by giving full concentration.

4- Take a short five minute break:

During break time, I checked by mobile notifications and drunk water.

After completion of each task, I put a star on notebook. Pomodoro technique helped me to complete online course work in three hours.

At first interval, It was a bit difficult to focus on my work. I faced distraction during first interval like the sound of whatsapp notifications. But immediately I turned off my notifications and stay focused at my work. During second interval, I was attentive and worked more effectively. Simultaneously in remaining 25 minutes 2'-3 intervals, I worked in a well planned and in an organized manner.

Pomodoro technique helped me to accomplish more and increased productivity at work. It enabled me to dedicate time to specific work by prioritizing tasks.

I am planning to practice it often as it helped me a lot. I will try to apply this technique in every task i have to do. It not only improves the quality of my work but also the quantity. It prevents mental exhaustion and boosts motivation. From now on wards, I will also try to study by using this technique. Cirillo found that breaking large tasks up into smaller manageable timed units called pomodoros is the most effective way to study. I will also try to use Pomodoro technique in my upcoming Amal projects and University assignments. I will try to do my work in 25 minutes interval and in my 5 minutes break I will check do the unnecessary work. This technique will help me to complete my work on time and more effectively.

Here are some of the suggestions when to use Pomodoro technique. It will help to manage distractions and control your time. It also maintains motivation.



Fizza Malik

A 19 year old freelance writer and blogger who loves to write her views... Photographer| Painter| Writer | Reader