9 simple ways to tackle with depression and anxiety

Fizza Malik
3 min readJun 7, 2021

Depression and anxiety are the two different terms, but they are somehow inter-related. The main link is of its symptoms and side effects both mental as well as physical. According to a research about half of the people suffering from depression are found with anxiety and vice versa.

The physical symptoms of depression and anxiety may include restlessness, difficulty in decision making, fatigue, pain, aches and oversleeping or difficulty sleeping. The worst type of depression and anxiety is the one which effect emotionally that leads to suicidal thoughts or in simple words “death”. Hopelessness reaches that point when “life” becomes worthless.

Now here comes some useful technique to overcome depression and anxiety especially for youngsters:

1) Wake up early

Routine is sometimes helpful for people with depression and anxiety. Self-help always provide me-time in your hectic routine that’s only possible when you schedule your day properly.

2) Write down your goals

Writing helps you to focus on the thing that’s important and avoids the stuff that overcrowds your mental health. Writing everyday will help you see the changes in yourself and alleviate your anxiety.

Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling — and know that it’s not your fault

3) Work ethic

By setting your own standard of excellence and by eliminating as many distractions as possible, are two major ways to restore work ethic.

4) Exercise every single day

According to a research, Exercise can be an effective treatment for depression. In addition to that, try to nourish your body with fruits, vegetables and meat.


5) Read very often

Try to divert your mind by doing activities that give you comfort that may include reading your most-liked writer, watching your favorite movie or by just having a candlelight dinner.

6) Plan their week every single Sunday

Planning gives you peace of mind to such an extend that you can concentrate on the important things. Being prepared limits stress and boosts your mind gradually.

7) Super positive and find something to be grateful for

Always remember that depression and anxiety disorders are not something for what you can held accountable for, they are medical conditions. So always try to be productive and cheerful on your achievements.

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique just like everyone else”.

Margaret mead

8) They have mentors

A mentor is somebody who reduces level of anxiety, increases self-confidence, develops hope for the future and provides space where you feel listened to and valued. This rewarding feeling also results in improved mental health.

9) Proper rotation of sleep

Do your best to stick to a sleep schedule that lasts for seven to eight hours. It will boost your immunity and provides a sense of control.

At last I want to share one of my favorite lines that helps me a lot in my bad days:

Always remember the five-year rule. Ask yourself whether the thing you are worried about is going to matter after five years?

If the answer is ‘no’ then get out of your bed, make a cup of coffee and live your life to the fullest.

Have you suffered from depression and anxiety? Which technique helped you to overcome stress (even if it’s the one you go through in exams). Let me know in the comment section



Fizza Malik

A 19 year old freelance writer and blogger who loves to write her views... Photographer| Painter| Writer | Reader